Monday, February 9, 2015

It's for the birds

Posting to this blog has been very lax lately...not that I haven't meant to write.  It's just that old nemesis  of time.

Yesterday was a fun filled day where we hosted a pot luck on the patio and then followed that with a little game night. It was enjoyable with Daisy providing half time entertainment with her spin the bottle antics.   Even though she has a dozen "toys", playing with an empty water bottle was just as engaging for her. 

Earlier in the day, I spent a couple hours doing some clay work.  Inspired by our neighbour's bird house collection, I thought I'd give making little bird houses a shot. I have made some three dimensional sculpted birdhouse before, thanks to "PCT" Cindy Leitz 's instructions on her weekly site.  For this effort, I thought I'd try a cane.

My cane is pretty simple and its shape evokes a bit of a hobbit house. I pre-baked some tiny perches and inserted them with a bit of t.l.s. close to the base of the abode.  In the cane slice, I inserted an eye pin, and will probably make this baked sample into a bookmark charm. 

The stripes were originally intended to represent planks of weathered wood, but was afraid the weathering details might get lost in the eventual reduced cane slices. So, they ended up like jailbird stripes. Maybe I'll assign each one a number!

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