I have tried to follow up on what folks have done with them, and have often heard they've been used as book closures, quilt decorations, garment fasteners and some have been added to collections as "studio buttons" by button collectors.
This particular series was done with shades of golds, browns,coppers and bronzes. For the background on some of these scans I've used snippets of Gustav Klimt's more renowned works. I don't mean to use his work merely as a background...it's far too precious for that, but if someone were to fashion a fabric akin to his mastercloths, I think the buttons would go well as adornments.
Now it's back to work. Hubby's arm is getting better...it's been two weeks since he "hit" the pavement, and so he was able to cut some pages for some books I am preparing. This afternoon and tonight I have scheduled my "time to bind". And no, I haven't been eating a lot of cheese lately. (That's in reference to a sketch of a table full of cheeses I did a number of years ago that I sacrilegiously titled "Blest be the Cheese That Binds". That's NOT a sketch I will be showing at the Art Festival, tee hee.)
Intéressants cesboutons, je dois faire une démo à la guilde bientôt et c'est très inspirant.
Je vais leur mentionner ton site.
Bonne chance avec la démo à la guilde Louise... Je vais essayer écrire plus en français. Mais si je poste les photos, ça vaut mille mots, heh?
These buttons look so cool! You are so clever!!
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