So this is our new baby. She has been with us for three weeks now, and because she's just over four months, we've been kept very busy. The first thing I had to get accustomed to was that she could see. I was so conditioned into having to be the seeing eyes for Molly, that I actually did a double take when the little one, Daisy, narrowly avoided a corner by moving away from it. She's doing a marvellous job of going potty outside; but not such a great job of deciding which items are toys and which are off limits like the television remote. Hopefully those decisions will become clearer as the days go by. She's growing quickly and is learning commands readily. She goes into her crate when I have to work on clay as she is so fast that it's impossible to keep an eye on her 100% of the time.
I did manage to get a bit of claying done this weekend. Here's a sample.
I have a couple of shows in November and December and am down to just one book so that inventory needs to be replenished. I'm glad because books are one of my fave things to make. Have the covers and signatures ready for a few more. Just need to sit down and bind them. Hope I can tear myself away from the pup to get them done. Wish me luck!