Next Saturday morning, I'll be at the Selkirk Waterfront Market and then the following week at one of the Medea Gallery's Tents during Canada Day Celebrations in Osborne Village. I'm looking forward to both outdoors events and I am keeping my fingers crossed for good weather.
I have a ton of inventory in various 'in progress' stages, which means anything from conditioned clay to books ready for binding or jewelry needing to be strung or findings added.
Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately), I am just not that kind of 'start to finish' kind of worker. I find that leaving things in different stages makes for a variety of work that I enjoy. It means that I don't get bored doing 'production' type work, because after a few repeats of something, I need to move on to something else.
Of course, working like that has another side to it. It means having to to 'locate' all the bits and pieces that are needed, and sometimes that can be a neat diversion. Getting sidetracked often leads to incorporating new ideas along the way, or using something in a way that it was not originally intended. I doubt that any serious artist or work-driven individual would recommend that modus operandi...Thankfully, I am able to pick up my pieces and shift from one project to the next, just hoping that I will get everything ready for the events on time. And if not, there are always other days.
Hope everyone is enjoying a great start to the Solstice!