Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cats, Kitties and ?

After I did the larger grey cat this meowrning, I decided to do a "short-cut-cat". I used a bunch of left over canes in assembling this little kitty on the left. The photos are terrible...but it's one colorful cat! I baked a few slices to see if the colour would stay pretty much the same....and it did!
Then I tried another crazy-cat cane, using a mixture of mostly old canes, (on the right) but I don't know how this one will come out because some of the canes (like the huge striped one in the centre) are pretty old, and I went against all the rules and mixed all kinds of clay...mainly because I didn't know what they were any more! I see the eyes are a bit distorted, but I think I can work on that a little when I reduce it.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting that kitty!
J'adore les couleurs.Quand mon chat fait le fou il a vraiment ces couleurs ha!ha!ha!

georgia said...

super combos of canes!!! especially the cheshire grin...
